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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 205

My friends are just watching the conversation like a tennis match. If I was on the outside looking in, I would probably find it very funny.

“In all honesty, you don’t know. But, I have clearly been looked into by Warrior Osisten, the Alpha King and whoever else handles all of that and been found to be trustworthy for this job. If you don’t agree with the decision, I suggest you take it up with that team. I will continue to follow orders.” I stood up and grabbed what’s left of my food. I know I need to finish it, but I’m done talking to her and she won’t leave so I have to.

I grab the shaker bottle from my bag too so I can take it into the kitchens to Stella and Jack and take up just a little more time.

When I get back to the table Lillian has my bag and all my friends are waiting for me, Lillian has a big sh*t eating grin on her face.

“You should have seen her after you walked off and basically dismissed her. She isn’t done trying to imply that you shouldn’t be here. She’s just mad because she isn’t the favorite she thought she was. She’s had a bit of a hero worship problem with Warrior Brogen and sticks to him like a shadow. He has never treated her any differently, even as a team leader, she’s treated the same as the rest of them, I just don’t think she sees it.”

“It is a little weird though,” Nathaniel says as we start walking back out to the open space behind the bunkhouse. “It’s almost like she has a crush on him, but that’s impossible with the brand. We don’t get any of those emotions. Love, lust, infatuation, desire of any kind is overridden by the warrior brand. No one dates here, no secret hook-ups. We just don’t get those desires at all. We can’t afford to have the drama that relationships can cause, especially being with each other twenty four seven.”


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