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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 207

He jumps up, turns and starts moving forward in a fluid motion someone his size shouldn’t be able to do, but he made it look like nothing. He reaches me and grabs for my arm and I turn out of his grasp only to be caught by his other arm. I take a swing of my own making an attempt to free myself from his massive hand. He didn’t let go, but I know the contact affected him by the look on his face. We keep this dance up for a little while. Close combat is something I am good at. My size usually requires it, but it is difficult for my larger friends. I will take any advantage I can get.

He grabs my wrist and spins me, aiming for a headlock, but he overestimates my height and I slip back under his arm, pulling him with me. He aims a punch at my rib cage which knocks all of my breath out of my body and I see a flash of white for a brief second with the pain. He pulls down on my wrist trying to get me to the ground again. I roll and hit him in the chest with as strong a kick as I can muster at this point, but it was enough. He stumbles back, looks at me and smiles. It is the most wickedly playful smile I have ever seen. The fire in his eyes let’s me know I am in deep sh*t.

He takes two running steps and jumps shifting in mid air. I don’t even hesitate to run forward, slide under his shifting form and shift to my wolf as I stand to all fours and he lands facing me. His massive rust colored wolf has his head tipped low to the ground, both amber eyes locked on me, muscles rippling, tensed and ready to pounce on me.

My wolf shifts her chest low to the ground ready for anything. We can jump head on or dodge either right or left. The benefit to being small is I am always close to the ground and I know how to brace my center of gravity.

He charges at me and my wolf dodges right and aims a bite at his front left leg. He’s too quick for us though and pivots just out of reach and whips his hind legs around to barrel into our side. We take the hit and absorb it in a roll, back to our feet before he can pounce. We charge at him this time taking the offense, he lowers his head anticipating a head on attack. Instead we jump up and over his head landing on his back, another benefit to being smaller. We sink our teeth into the scruff of his neck and clamp down like our life depends on it.

He flails around trying to knock us off, but we extend our claws and hang on for the ride. When I look back on this I may laugh at the idea of me riding on his back like a horse. But, right now, I’m determined to win this battle and survive. He whips his head down trying to throw me forward, but my claws are doing me proud right now. As I have the thought though I feel a ripple under his skin and he shifts below me and drops to the ground in human form. My weight follows him down, but he tosses me sideways and I shit to match him, shoving the thought of being completely naked to the very back of my mind so it can’t distract me.


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