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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 209

I wake up feeling just a bit lighter and I want to talk to Sierra about what Lillian said at dinner. I’ve never actually talked about my scars to anyone or what they could possibly mean. I race to get ready and head down to the kitchen to grab a snack from Stella.

I’m actually excited for school, which is a first. I normally would take training over sitting in a classroom any day, but I really want to see her. It feels like forever and I need to talk to someone about anything other than training, but especially about yesterday and everything with Audrina.

I skip the golf cart and just walk to the school. I left with plenty of time not wanting to run into Audrina in the morning. School gave me almost an entire day without her and I would take advantage of that wholeheartedly.

I walk up to the old building, still in awe of the structure, head in and toward my locker. Before I can even finish getting my things together Sierra runs up behind me and hugs me around the neck.

“Man, I miss seeing you everyday! There has got to be a way that I can see you more often, this is terrible.”

“I am allowed to have people over to study. I just have to get the days and times cleared first, but that would be great though.” I turn and hug her back. “And I have news for you.”

I gave her the quick version of Luna Anne’s letter and told her I would send her pictures of all the dresses I tried on so she could help me choose. We debated whether I would see Xander at the dress fitting or not since all of the guys were supposed to be at training.

She said she hasn’t heard from Sam since I was released from the hospital and the Luna Queen let her call the guys and let them know that I was okay. That is my only reservation about being here, the isolation from my friends. Even though I would have been kept from them anyway while they were training, there's only lasted through the end of the summer, mine was going to be years.

“I wonder if you could write to them?” Sierra muses as we reach her classroom. “At the very least you should be able to write to your brother. That way you could check in, I’m sure they miss you too and are worried. You had just barely started talking to them again when you were attacked.”

“Ugh, don’t remind me. I feel terrible about the way I treated them and then we were all just separated.”

“Don’t you feel bad about that! They deserved it and karma decided to give them a real kick when you were attacked and then whisked away in the middle of the night. None of us even got to see you. You were just gone.”

“Really? I don’t remember any of that. I remember the beating loud and clear and then I woke up in the Royal Pack hospital. Nothing in between. Osiston had to tell me how long I was unconscious. Your parents did a ton of tests on me, but wouldn’t really say what they were doing or why. I really should talk to them about what they were looking for.”


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