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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 21

“Sorry ladies, we got called into the weekend training, so it's a light and early night for us. Maybe next time.” Dakota said as the five guys turned around and started ushering us up the lit pathway before anyone else could argue.

“Damn, that was brutal” Sam let out under his breath before we even made it through the path opening. “Don’t get me wrong, I loved the two-female body shot, we will definitely be revisiting that situation, but did anyone else feel like the whole night just tanked as soon as the party got too big?”

“First, over my dead body are taking a shot off my sister and second yes. I don’t think it’s ever been like that before.” Mateo says

I realize they are talking in code and I am smart enough to know who is the reason for the code, but at the same time I don’t know why.

The twins say goodbye to us from the back patio and say they will drive us all to training in the morning. Also a new situation, because I’m pretty sure I was included in that invitation, but we will see come morning. Once we get to the front Mateo, Sam, Sierra and I split off toward our side of the packhouse and Oliver starts walking to the other side towards his house. He shouts over his shoulder that we will leave at 6am sharp so none of us should be late, no matter how long it takes some of us to say goodnight.

I started openly laughing at the insinuation and then again at the look on Sam’s face. I hugged Sierra goodnight at the end of our sidewalk and she and Sam kept on walking to her house.

When we finally get home Mateo stops to take his jacket off at the door, I just continue into the kitchen looking for a snack. All I had was soda and water and I was starving. I walk into the dimly lit kitchen, the light over the sink the only illumination in the room.

“Where the hell have you been!” I jumped about a mile into the air and screamed at the growling words. Mateo came running in and grabbed my shoulders pulling me behind him protectively looking around for what scared me. He relaxed a little when he noticed my dad sitting at our rectangular kitchen table, a short empty glass in front of him.


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