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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 219

Chapter 0219

“Okay, shoot."

“| obviously know your father, he was born in your pack and we have his lineage on record, but what do you know of your mother?"

My heart seized and | stopped walking. | just stood there and stared at him. Of all the wounds to rip open, this is not the one | expected. | could feel the tears pool behind my eyes, but | was not going to cry. | am a warrior, | had to remain in control of my emotions.

“| don't know anything about her actually, | was never allowed to know or to ask.” | took a deep shuddering breath and started moving forward, hoping to move past this and onto another topic. | was not so lucky.

“This has a lot to do with your mother, but the story starts further back. | think it’s time you know where you come from Little One."

| just look at him confused. “I'm just a Beta’s daughter and second born. There really isn’t much more to it than that."


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