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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 221

Chapter 0221

| gasped again, my wolf and | had been taking on all the information we were receiving, but the one thing we both locked on was the fact that she was pure black.

“You've caught on then? It’s another reason | wanted you tested. It’s rare that a wolf is one solid color, there are always other colors mixed in. But not our first born females.

My great-great grandfather began cataloging all the information he had learned about his family line before him, but your story starts with him.

He had two sons and like most Alpha lines the first born is the heir to the title. It is the way the Goddess wants it and the way we have done it for generations. With no one power hungry or abusing the power, there seems to be no reason to change it. Until his second son decided he wanted to fight for the title. It had never been done in our history. I’m not fool enough to think other kingdoms haven't gone through this at some point in their history, but this was unique for us."

| clapped my hand over my mouth, having a feeling | knew what was coming.


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