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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 225

Chapter 0225

“But | just want to train like everyone else, | don't care about being in charge or a leader, I'm new here, no one in their right mind would follow me with my lack of training."

“And that, Little One, is where you are wrong. You have already proven to many of them you know how to lead, especially in a tense situation. You stay calm and objective. Your friends Lillian, Wyatt and Nathaniel can attest to that already. The rest of the warriors are not stupid. Each has taken their turn as lead, everyone has to be ready to at all times. For some it's difficult to step into that role, but you do it effortlessly."

“If you say so. I'm always afraid of making a mistake and getting someone hurt."

“When you lead, that is always a possibility.” He shrugs and | just look at him incredulously. He was supposed to say something fatherly like ‘you would never do that to someone ‘but no, he had to go and be honest with me. “What? Would you prefer | lie to you? You are a leader, born to be a leader.

It’s not all rainbows and sunshine. People will get hurt or suffer on your watch and you have to be able to both cope with and then handle it. You also have to learn that you cannot save everyone. Some people are destined to hurt themselves no matter what you do to help them.” | just nod.


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