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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 227

Chapter 0227

“How do you know they are for me?” | look at each identical one. “There's no indication that they are."

“Because | collected them myself. | told them | would see you today and | know none of us can really have any regular communication, but | also know what happened between all of you and how everything was left. | thought maybe when | had a chance | could play go between. No one checks me or my things, perks of the title.” He shrugs. "So | could, at the very least, get basic information back and forth when | am able to see you which will be a hell of a lot more than them.

And with my regular trips back to your pack, because of the attack, | can even help during the school year when they go back."

| nod my head slowly, not really sure what | was agreeing with and hold the letters to my chest. Some were definitely thicker than others. That made me smile. | should try to guess who wrote each letter before opening it to see how well | know them.

| feel like we made it back to the bunkhouse in record time, | wish | would have been able to spend more time with Xander. Especially now that | know what | do. He’s really the only person | can talk to about it that is in my age bracket. | obviously won't be able to talk to him about it in public, like the Elder's conference and | don't think I’m supposed to say anything to the guys let alone put it ina letter that can be lost or taken. What the hell am | supposed to do with all of this information? | mean seriously, did Alpha Reggie know what he was doing dropping this bomb on me and then just letting me stew with it on my own? Ugh.

And now | have secret letters from the guys. What has my life come to?

Before | can get too lost in my thoughts, my door opens and | slide out and start to head toward the door when a hand wraps around the small of my back. — “Wha..?” | look up over my shoulder. “Xander, what are you doing"

“Dad said someone was giving you a hard time, | want to know who and | want to make sure it is apparent you have friends in high places."


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