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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 233

Chapter 0233

“So, let me get this straight. I'm going to go into meetings about pack safety, give my opinion to pack Elders and Alphas who are decades older than me, like what | have to say is more important and then c*ck block them from throwing their daughters at Xander"

“In a nutshell, yes. It’s a good thing you are strong willed and don’t mind giving your opinion freely when asked for it."

He smiles at me again and winks.

“You are getting far too much pleasure out of this. What's in it for you?” | ask playfully.

“| have been with the Royal family since my mate died.” A look flashes across his eyes, but before | can give him any sympathy he holds his hand up. “No need, it was a long time ago, but my wolf died with him and the Alpha King and Luna Queen took me in and offered me protection. | have become an adopted part of their family and | love Xander like a favorite nephew. | have seen what the ranked politics look like and how bad it really can get when wolves start messing with the Goddess’ plan. | don't want that for Xander. | want him to have what | had with my mate. Even with all the pain that followed his passing, | wouldn't trade it for anything. You seem to care about him and want nothing more than friendship, and just that has you in my good graces along with the Luna Queen.”

| wonder if he knows the whole situation with my relationship to the royal family? | made a mental note to ask Luna Anne.

“So, am | going to be on my own all morning, or is Xander going to be with me, or you, or Luna Anne?"


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