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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 240

Chapter 0240

I just sit in silence along with everyone else after my questions. I see the recognition in the eyes of the warrior standing behind him, he at least remembers me. We didn't have to actually fight, but we did run patrols while their warriors were tended to and healing. I scheduled the patrol routes myself with Gamma Brett and Delta Kyle.

“I thought you looked familiar.” The warrior behind Alpha Brecc spoke up, getting a glare from his Alpha, but cutting the tension a bit. I just nod my head and wait for my questions to be answered, which are more than likely going to come from this warrior than the Alpha.

He was clearly having a conversation over the mindlink with his Alpha now and some kind of agreement was struck as the warrior looked back at me"

We have maintained the patrol routes that your team set up for us, but we have few warriors and they are spread thin, patrolling the whole of the territory and we have the beach side of the territory to think of. We do not have the high vantage point that your pack does to maintain a good visual out to the sea."

That was something I knew, because I pointed it out. Delta Kyle and Gamma Brett also suggested watch towers be constructed to give them a better vantage point. Something that hasn't happened if they are still bringing it up.

“Did you construct the watchtowers as suggested by my Gamma and Delta?” I know the answer, but this Alpha is being a d*ck and I feel the necessity to put him in his place"


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