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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 248

Chapter 0248

"Skylar, you know them. Don't pretend like they don't have a very large and unnecessary protective streak when it comes to you. They will come in the middle of the night, Sam will hold me down while your brother and Oliver break my hands and arms for touching you and Dakota will break my jaw and knock my teeth out for talking to you and Cameron will probably dig my eyes out with a rusty spoon for even looking at you. ~

"Oh, stop! First that was graphic, you have spent far too much time thinking about how they could torture you and second, you said it was an unnecessary protective streak. If they really have something to say about it they can come to me first. Although everyone here has the right to make fun of you for the rest of your life for hiding behind me and being a pansy. Now, put on your big boy panties and let's get this over with.” I roll my eyes and grab his elbow while the rest of the adults are laughing behind us"

So, dramatic.” I whisper to him.

"You do not understand, I'm not kidding when I say they are even more crazy about you now that you're gone. Something changed.” He looks at me wide eyed.

"Well, I guess that puts a damper on my plans for us to get caught making out then, that would really get you in trouble wouldn't it?’ I laugh.

"Not, funny Midge, not funny at all."

Like earlier we make our way into the elevator before the King and Queen and head down with a set of warriors. This time though, there is no one waiting for us at the bottom.

"Where is everyone?” I ask looking around hoping no one jumps out at us.

"They are all waiting in the ballroom, Miss Skylar.” Barty answers for me"


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