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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 252

Chapter 0252


"Excuse me, your highnesses. I wonder If i could have a word with Miss Skylar here about some of her suggestions today. I was truly fascinated by your ideas young lady.” A grizzled but kind looking old man says to me. As innocent as he looks though, Xander's warning is making alarms blare in my head. This is what he was talking about and they are not wasting time trying to separate us.

I look to Xander to see what! should do. I don't want to openly offend anyone, but !I also do not want to go anywhere with this guy alone. He's not an Alpha, I can smell that much. So he must be one of the Elders. He looks battle worn and almost tired. His frame is still large and imposing, but I can see that he hasn't trained in years and the atrophy in his muscles is very evident. His wrinkles hide a myriad of scars, meaning he must have been a great warrior at some time.

Xander gives a slight nod, letting me know it's okay, but he doesn't let go of my arm when the Elder starts to turn and move away. We follow behind.

"I thought we could take a walk on the veranda, it’s such a lovely evening.” He makes his way to the door that leads out onto the balcony that sits behind the ballroom. He finally looks back at us when he pulls the door open"


Prince Xander, I hadn't noticed you joined us. I didn't mean to disturb you. I'm sure you have other important matters to discuss with the other Alphas and Elders, I can watch over Miss Skylar, if you have somewhere else you are needed.” I didn't miss the dismissal in his voice, even though he made it as polite as possible towards his future king.


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