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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 268

They both share a look which is starting to piss me off. Something is clearly going on and I am being left out. To keep from yelling at them, I start to shift on my leg testing it out and mentally checking for any other injuries. I am covered in blood, some my own, some the rogues. I need to scrub this nasty smelling sh*t off, but I really want answers first.

Xander notices my fidgeting and seems to take me in fully now. “Are you hurt? I noticed your limping before.”

“I’m okay now, I think. That rogue got a good bite into my flank, but I think it’s healed completely, I’m just sore, not a big deal. Are you guys going to tell me what’s going on, or am I not high enough to be given information?”

“None of that, Little One. If we have information to share we will share it. You were injured, you need to be seen by the docs.” He tilts his head past me to a group in line. They all seem to be fine, but waiting to get checked anyway.

“I’m fine. Everything already healed so I can’t have been that bad.” I shrug it off hoping they will just talk to me, let me in. But, that was too much to ask.

“Not an option Little One. Anyone involved in a fight gets checked out thoroughly. We don’t know what kind of sh*t they might be carrying and you were bit and it looks like you bit one of your opponents, we need to make sure we take precautions.”

I closed my eyes to keep from rolling them like the teenager that I am and take a deep breath then let it out slowly. The line isn’t going anywhere fast so I feel like I can push a bit more.

“Is Oscar and Mina in line? I didn’t see them when everything stopped.”


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