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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 28

“Well, thank you for the absolute destruction of our fragile egos, but we have a date after all of that and Oliver has some lunch to buy us.” Sam walks up and puts his arm around my shoulder.

“Actually there's another class.” I say biting my lip, looking as apologetic as I can. “But you guys can go, I’ll catch up later.” I have no intention of chasing them down at all. I feel like this little friend bubble we have been in for the last 12 hours is about to break.

“How many more classes are we talking?” Sam leans back to look at me. “I am slowly dying from lack of food here.”

“You should have eaten before we came, like a normal person.” Sierra laughs at him.

“I was unaware of the team breakfast at the beta house to satisfy the ridiculous amount of exercise I would be subjected to today. How many more Little Bit? If you’re here, then we’re here so you can stop making us look pathetic.” He laughs.

“The next class is a basics class for beginners and non-warriors just to stay sharp and in shape. It’s less intense than the rest of the training, but I think it’s super important. It runs for 2 hours. Then we’re done for the day.”

“Remind me to never, ever, ever rise to your challenge again. I’m going to die.” Sam walks off to grab his water bottle as the rest of the guys, the Luna and Sierra all laugh at him.

"I'm pretty sure I didn't challenge anyone." I say to no one in particular.

Basic training goes better and as we all walk through correcting form and technique, I can see the current leaders watching us again with curious and hopeful expressions on their faces. They even come down to do some of the exercises with us, which is a rare thing. They don’t normally have time to intermingle casually like this. I think it’s great for the pack members that are here. If anything the looks on the pack members faces is totally worth the full interruption of having all of them here.


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