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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 282

We hit a bump in the road that brings me out of that happy memory.

“Hang on. The rest of the ride is going to be rough. We usually run out here.” Nickolas’ gruff voice carries back as we slow down slightly to accommodate the dips and bumps in the trail.

“Why not make us run then? I don’t understand why we are being driven in if that isn’t the norm.”

I don’t mean to sound like a teenager, but frankly I am and my anger at my situation, the way some of the trainers and some of the warriors view me and my position here, while better than when I started still isn’t the best and it’s pissing me off. But I can’t blame them either. When I’m supposed to be doing the same things as everyone else, told what to expect, but not a minute later someone is trying to intervene and make something more comfortable and change the directive we were all given, but the change is only for me. It’s bullsh*t and I’m over it.

“I don’t understand the motive here. Do you and the mission team think we’re too weak to do this and want to prove that by making us take a car? You clearly don’t want us here. Audrina and her idiot cronies think that I’m sleeping with all of you to keep my place here, thanks to the perceived special treatment. Even though all of you have a brand that should make that physically impossible. I just wish someone would explain what the hell is going on already and give me real expectations.” I rub my face and take a deep breath to try and calm down. “If I’m not ready, or if you think I should go home, then send me home.”

“Do you want to leave?” His voice sounds too hopeful.


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