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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 285

I rub my eyes with both hands. “So what’s the plan for tonight? We clearly aren’t going to be the bait now. What can we do to make this suck less?” I look around the room. “What are we looking for, what is the recon? How can we prepare for being taken? Since that seems to be the end goal, right? For one or both of us to get taken so we can be tracked to wherever they are holding these girls.”

“How are you so calm about this? No one should be okay with dangling pups, children, minors, whatever you want to be classified as, a treat for the bad guys to just come and get.” Nickolas sounds offended at my questions.

I roll my eyes. “Human punching bag, remember? This is right up my alley. I am the scapegoat, the target and I have been my entire minorhood. So let's not act like being young should play a part here. The only effect it has is that the ‘bad guys,’” I air quote. “Will more than likely underestimate us because of it.”

“You are a f*cking royal!” His voice is progressively getting louder, but no one moves to calm him down. “We would never send Xander out because of that fact alone!”

“I’m not high enough on the bracket for that to be a factor either. And everyone knows Xander, he can’t be sent into any type of undercover situation. No one knows me, I am just another girl on the street. I am also the right gender for the task.” Why I am negotiating with him while the rest of these guys just watch is beyond me. “I’m not fighting for my spot as a sacrificial lamb, but I also understand the value we both have in this mission. Can we please just get to the recon stuff, since I don’t think the bait part of this plan is the same as the info gathering.” I look at him with pleading eyes. He needs to let this go for now. “What type of info are we looking for and how are we,” I point between Mina and myself, “going to help you get it?”


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