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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 288

“I can’t wait to go back to the compound, I want to train and run hard, my body needs it. I feel so lazy right now.” I whine at Mina in our shared room of the rental property.

We just got back from shopping and meeting up for dinner with some other college freshman we met a couple weeks ago. We have managed to keep people friendly but at a distance. We don’t go to people’s houses and they don’t come to ours. Having an overprotective ‘uncle’ is doing wonders to keep a certain level of separation.

“I can’t wait to go back and use the hot tub. My feet are killing me.”

“You were the idiot who chose to wear heels to the mall.” I scoff at her, but she smiles right back.

“Yeah, but it got their attention, didn’t it?”

I roll my eyes. “Of course it did, your legs look a mile long with them on and that short skirt. I still can’t force myself to wear those. These shorts are bad enough, there’s barely enough material to cover my hooha.”

“What are you talking about? You wear skimpier stuff to training. Those shorts are nothing.”


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