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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 322

Chapter 0322

“Not a lot to tell. My pack was attacked a couple years ago, only a few of us survived. We met up with a few others who had the same issue. We have been traveling around not staying anywhere too long. Mike’s older brother came out here to go to school and said it was nice and no one really messed with rogues up here so we all came up. A few kids started school right away, some of us got jobs. We're doing alright now.” He doesn't look at us while he’s talking, just stares into the fire.

“Didn't anyone come to help your pack? Check on the survivors? I ask, remembering a conversation with Alpha Reggie during one of our training sessions.

“No one came.” A dark look crosses his face. It's almost like he filled with hatred at the memory. “We waited for days for rescue or help or anything, but no one came. We buried our own and did the best we could for about a month, but supplies were low and there was so much destruction that leaving became our only option.” He stopped and took a deep breath. When I thought he was going to go on with his story he shook his head and placed a smile on his face before looking at me. “Why forestry?"

“Osiston? Nickolas? Did you guys get all of that?” Mina asks over the link as I divide my attention talking about how much I love being outside and the warriors discussing next steps.

“You strike me as an outdoors kind of girl. I’m actually surprised you made it through lectures. You look like you are going to crawl out of your skin just sitting there."

“I do not! I actually enjoy classes and learning, but you're right, I prefer being out here."

We banter like that for hours, but we never circle back to the topic of his pack and I don’t know how to work it in to ask the name of his pack. When Robbie walks over with a girl snaked around him like she might lose him if she lets go, I notice the crowd has thinned out. Significantly.

“We're headed out, you good here?” Robbie grumbles his words, not like he’s mad, more annoyed that he had to walk all the way over to us.

“All good. Are Jay and Seth set to close up"

“Yep. You should probably pack it up, they are looking a little antsy, like they have somewhere to be and you remember what happened the last time they rushed their duties.” Robbie laughs deep in his chest and it isn't a pleasant sound to my ears. Something about this guy sets off every red flag radar in my body, but I can’t figure out why.

“Sounds like our cue to leave. Thanks for the run guys. Do you do this every week, or do we need another invite?” I ask, looking right at Tyler as I stand up stretching my legs.

I'm a little sore, but it is the best kind of sore and I smile at

the pull on my muscles. “I actually really enjoyed that. It's been a while since I’ve had the chance to run full tilt like that."


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