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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 324

Chapter 0324

“Got it.” We say in unison.

“You can both go, it’s been a long day. Be ready for a call at any time."

“Yes, Sir.” We both answer again and then turn to head out of the room and up stairs.

“I just want a shower and to stretch, my legs are sore. We need to run harder more often.” Mina half laughs and half whines at me as we both feel the tightness in our legs just from walking up the stairs.

Mina goes to grab her towel and head for the shower. I head for my desk and see my phone light up with a notification.

“Oh sh*t! I totally forgot. It's Sierra's birthday! We have to call her when it’s not the middle of the night."

“Is she 17 or 18?” Mina asks.

“17 one more year before we find out if Sam is her mate.” I giggle. “I swear their connection is so strong I could feel it click into place when they met. He turned to complete jello, it was really cute."

“Aren't all your friends having birthdays soon too?”

“Yeah, all the guys are just a few weeks apart. March is basically a party month for all of them."

She laughs and then stops, lost in thought. “Isn’t your birthday like April or May?"

“End of April."


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