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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 328

Chapter 0328

“Really? You would give up your workout time and your stuff for me?” I know my guys would do that for me, but Tyler barely knows me outside of class.

“You really are new at this aren't you?” He laughs, taking a cautious step towards me and placing a hand on my hip.

The sound is a deep grumble in his chest and is comforting somehow.

“Let’s put it this way, "I sigh, "The age gap might be a problem when you find out how big it is. It may also explain a few things.” I look away from him, but I don't step out of his grip no matter how much every fiber of my being wants me to.

“Skylar, don’t you dare tell him your real age!" Osiston growls “I’m going to have to give him something that explains my reluctance to do things like hug and kiss him, when he keeps trying. Relax, we need his information and I'm going to have to be vulnerable for him to share it."

“Fine. Be careful and keep your mindlink open now so you can just talk and don't have to relay anything."

“Got it."

“If you really don't mind, I will be quick I promise.” I look

back at him and he has a small smile playing on his lips.

“Skylar, I don't mind. Come on.” He walks us over to where he dropped his stuff. He just hands me the whole bag, like he could care less if I went through his stuff. Then he walks me to the locker room, hand on the small of my back the whole time.

“I swear, ten minutes tops. Thank you Tyler.” I give hima small smile as I walk through the locker room door.

I hurry through the shower, using his body wash and 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner. My sweats are fine since I took those off the minute we walked in the door, but my underwear and bra are soaked so I decide to go without. He thankfully has a brush so I can attempt to make myself presentable.

I walk out in less than ten minutes and Tyler is just leaning against the wall looking at his phone.


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