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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 331

“What about your elders? Don’t they have direct access to the Alpha King, they should have called for help.”

Tyler huffs a laugh. “Those idiots were more concerned with their titles and being in the Alpha King’s presence than actually doing their job. They spent almost no time in our pack or with pack members. Our Alpha was kind of a joke. He wasn’t a bad guy, but he was mated to the former Alpha’s only daughter and took the title. He wasn’t made to be an Alpha. I’m sure the Elders chose him for her. I think they actually ran the pack through the Alpha and Luna. The leaders were very concerned with making the pack bigger and more prominent. I was little when the Luna’s father died, so I don’t know if he was the same way or if it got bad after my alpha was chosen as the Luna’s mate.”

He stops to take a breath. If he is acting, he is really good at this. I really feel bad for him and his pack.

“From what I heard, the Elders fled the minute the attack happened, leaving the Alpha and Luna to defend themselves, which of course they couldn’t, and are holed up with the Alpha King now. For all we know they are the reason our pack was attacked or they planned the attack themselves to try and get the Alpha King’s attention. Who knows. Either way a lot of innocent people died or were captured or worse and no one did a thing about it.” That scary angry look is back. He is out for vengeance, I just wonder if he is aware or not.

“What was the name of your pack?” I’m kind of afraid of what his answer is going to be.

“Former name, Midnight sun. Currently, they are part of the Shadow Pack.” My heart stops.

A loud growl and string of curses go off in my head from Osiston and Nickolas who have been listening in. It takes everything in me to stay present with Tyler while they are shouting instructions to the whole team and the warriors back home. The noise is giving me a headache, but I can’t shut them out. They need this information first hand, right now.


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