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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 333

Walking in the house Mina jumps on me immediately. She has me in a hug so tight, I struggle to breathe. Nickolas just walks past me to Osiston sitting at the island looking intently at a computer screen.

“I’m going to need you to loosen up there friend.” I gasp and she jumps off of me just as fast.

“I am so sorry!” She grabs my hand and leads me over to the couch and sits me down. “Tell me everything and never make me leave like that again. I couldn’t concentrate all day. It was the worst.”

“Seriously?! You and I can’t be attached at the hip all of the time, that would look weird. He wasn’t going to talk with you hovering over our shoulders the whole time.”

“Did he say anything we can use? Anything concrete?”

“Yes, we have information to work with. Nickolas and Osiston have the team working on looking into his claims. So we’ll see I guess. He said Mike, Robbie and he were all from the same pack and it was attacked and no one came to help.” I told her the rest of Tyler’s story trying to see if I could find any holes in it and looking to Osiston and Nickolas for their thoughts on parts of it.

“It all sounds plausible, really.” Osiston says from across the room, not looking up from his computer. “The attack probably did happen and if none of the Elders asked for help and the Alpha didn’t know he could also contact the Alpha King in an emergency the whole attack could have gone down like that without anyone knowing. That’s a lot of ifs though.”


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