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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 337

Chapter 0337

“Well, let me enlighten you. What I told Tyler was true. I hate my birthday because my dad hates my birthday. My dad hates me because on the day of my birth I killed his mate.

Until last year my birthday was never celebrated, ever. It wasn't allowed. You know about the bullying, what you don't know is that until the beginning of my freshman year my bullies included my father, my brother and rest of the future leaders of my pack. My basic existence was not even recognized by any of my peers. Not even by my brother.

Until my freshman year I had no real friends, also something that was not allowed. It was safer for people to steer clear of me. The only people who remotely gave a sh*t about me were Luna Ava, in secret, my nanny, who was beaten in front of me if my father thought she overindulged me by being too kind, and then our housekeeper who took over after my nanny was fired. The only reason I have friends now is because of Sierra.

The minute she stepped foot in my pack Sam was attracted to her and decided being nice to me would get him in her good graces. That's how they figured out I was being harmed by more than just my father and to what extent my father mistreated me. So for the first time in my life my birthday was celebrated last year and it was beautiful.

The guys got me these bracelets,” I held up my arm, “and clearly kept the theme of the combined color coded gift this year with their necklace and you decided to use it for your own selfish gains.” I look from her to my open door. “You can come in, lingering at the door mouth

breathing isn’t doing you any favors.” ~

Both Osiston and Nickolas walk in, looking not too pleased.

“Is that why Tyler came by asking to see you looking like he was in a cage fight?” Nickolas asked. “And we are not mouth breathers.”

I couldn't suppress a small smile at the idea I hit him hard enough to leave a mark. I just nodded.

“I’m actually sad I missed that.”


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