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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 356

The weather has turned for the better pretty consistently the last couple of days. The rain has been crazy though, so like many students we have taken the opportunity to walk around and enjoy the sun while it is out.

“Are you really going to stick around and take classes over the summer?” Robbie asks out of the blue.

“Not you too. Listen, Tyler already made fun of me for considering it, but what else would I do? I have to work and we don’t have any big travel plans. We might visit some of the cities we hit up on our way here. We made a few friends and Mina wants to check in with them before we continue here or move on to somewhere else. There are no definite plans.”

“Are you guys planning on coming back here though?” Robbie sounds concerned.

“I don’t know. It’s not really up to me. I can realistically go to school anywhere. Mina is on a tour to try and find her mate. That’s why we came here in the first place. So I am at the mercy of what she and Nickolas want to do.” I shrug.

“You two and your mate fixation.” Robbie grumbles. “Why are you so stuck on finding them?”

“Why are you so against the idea?” I turned his question on him. I understand Tyler’s issue. He still deals with it on a daily basis. And apparently I am a reason for his current suffering. Even though there are zero romantic feelings towards him, I kind of wish I knew who she was so I could punch her in the face.

With that thought, Tyler grunts next to me and I turn quickly. He tries to play it off but I heard him and he knows I heard him. “Hey, would it be better if you sat down or to keep moving?” I don’t even try to keep my voice down. I don’t care who can hear me. This b*tch is f*cking this Alpha wannabe to make him hurt on purpose.


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