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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 358

“I told you you are too observant for your own good.” He moves in to hug me and then stops suddenly with a grunt, a pained look on his face. I give him a questioning look. He looks over my shoulder then back at me, just shakes his head and steps back. “We should shift and get moving.” He doesn’t even look at me before dropping the rest of his clothes and shifting, knowing I can’t talk to him over the mindlink.

Robbie growls before tearing through his clothes, not even bothering to undress. Something is wrong and no one is going to tell me what it is.

“Heads up guys, something is way off here. We are missing half the running group and everyone here is super agitated. Something is going down, but no one is talking or explaining anything. I’ll keep my link open.”

“I’ve got you, Little One.” Osiston responds

The whole group has shifted except for me and they all start to move quickly. I go to catch up and start with a jog so I can still see the back of the pack when something rams into me from the side. I go flying sideways and don’t even get my bearings when I am hit from the side again. This time the force doesn’t take me by surprise and I am able to look up and see the dull brown wolf that hit me.

It’s Janice. I’d recognize her boring dirt brown color anywhere. Her wolf is smaller than mine, meaning she’s a lower rank than me. Probably an omega, I never really paid attention before because it didn’t matter. Maybe that’s why she’s mad. She can sense my aura and doesn’t like me being around any of the guys. She hasn’t talked to me since the first run, but has never been outwardly mean. Something changed.

I get up to move again. If it’s a fight she wants, it’s a fight she’ll get. This is what I am here for. Before I can even finish the thought though, she starts to shift back.

“You are a gigantic pain in the ass, did you know that?” She comes at me again. Now we’re talking. Fighting an angry person is something I can do without hesitation.


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