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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 365

“How long has she been here?”

“A little over a year.” He brings me a bowl that has some kind of stew-like substance in it. After he places it in front of me, he walks over and kicks at her with his foot.

“He’s been forcing himself on her for a year?!” I can’t help the disgust and shock in my voice.

He ignores me and kicks at her again. “Get up, you need to eat before he gets here. He’s expecting to see you both up and well today. I’ll bring in stuff for you both to clean up with soon.”

He places a bowl near her and then he leaves, just like that. Doesn’t even look to see if she is awake or if I can reach my food, which is barely the way that I am chained up.

I lean forward sniffing the contents of the bowl. It definitely has something in it that smells wrong, but I can’t place what it might be.

“It’s wolfsbane and belladonna mixed together. It makes it easier to r*pe someone when they are half unconscious.” She sits up like Scarface wasn’t just kicking her like a dog. “It’s also less exhausting if you pretend to be asleep. Talking to them is like talking to brainless zombies. Everyone who works for the Jackass believes what he is doing is right. He’s good with his words and to the right people his actions are admirable, but they don’t see what is going on behind the scenes.”

She leans forward and pulls her bowl towards herself and starts poking around with her finger.


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