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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 368

“Wait, you have to clean everything.”

“What do you mean ‘everything?’ My feet don’t matter, cause they are just going to be on the gross floor the whole time, what else is there?”

“If he’s coming to see us, he plans on taking us.” She looks at me like I should know this. “He doesn’t come to chat. He’s obsessed with producing an heir, that’s why we’re here.” The dark look that crosses her face is scary.


She opened her mouth to say something when the large door swung open to reveal the d*ckhead himself.

“Hello my little ladies. How are you both today?” He sounds so pleasant and nice, but the cold look in his eyes shows how dangerous his crazy is. “My lovely Jena, it’s really too bad that you haven’t been able to give me what I want. You are so delicious though, so I think I will keep you around…for now. Should we show Skylar what she has to look forward to?”

I look at Jena and her jaw is set eyes forward, but they are blank. She doesn’t move a muscle, just slow controlled breathing.


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