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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 371

“How will I know where to go? I don’t even know where we are.”

“The Moon Goddess will guide you.”

“You know that isn’t helpful.” I hiss at her, my head is throbbing from my latest beating. I just want a straight answer for once.

“That’s all I can tell you. Jena should go with you, trust your instincts. Get out!”

“How is he hiding all of you? I need to know how to stop him.”

“Defeat as many warriors as you can, they can not be reasoned with or turned back to good, they have given their souls over to the dark magic. The weaker you make his army the weaker he is. You know this, you’ve seen this.”

“That doesn’t tell me how to stop him.”

“Once you are free, he will come for you, he knows who you are now and he will come for you.” A sound outside the door stops her explanation. “I have to go, remember to eat.”

She rushes out the door and I hear muffled voices, I can’t tell if they are angry or not though. Hopefully she was able to explain why she was in here. I hope she doesn’t get hurt for coming in here with us.

I scoot over to Jena and reach my toes out to touch hers. “Jena!” I whisper into the silence. She groans. “Jena, wake-up.”

She rolls over. “What do you want? I need to sleep, he was irritated that you weren’t awake to watch this last time and my whole body hurts.” Her gravely voice sounds worse than the first time.


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