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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 373

“That was interesting to listen to.” My eyes snap open to Jena.

“You were awake this whole time?”

“I have been here a long time and learned a couple of things. For one, even though these guys seem to think everyone should be into BDSM, they don’t touch me when I appear to be sleeping. It also strokes the Alpha’s ego to think it takes me hours or even days to recover from his, as you put it, small dick.”

“When dinner gets here, we’ll know if the girls cleaning me up was telling the truth. Even without my wolf I can smell the herbs in the food. You were right, they really aren’t good at this part.”

“If you twist your thumb you can dislocate it just enough, without doing too much damage.” She looks at me with a bored expression.

“Oh, so you’re helping me now?” I ask sarcastically.

“After that conversation, I guess. You have had two, maybe three people helping out. No one has ever reached out to me in all the time I have been here. Maybe your little witch friend is right and you’re special or something, but you’re the best chance of being free. And besides, if you leave and I am still here, Micheal will find a way to blame me for it and probably torture me to death. If I’m going to die, I might as well die fighting.”

The dark look in her eyes tells me there’s more going on here, but I don’t push. I’ll take all the help I can get.

Like the girl said, our stew was brought to us and the herbs were different. I didn’t smell the belladonna or wolfsbane, what I did smell opened up my senses, like just the fragrance was giving me energy.


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