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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 379

I keep running and running, feeling the pull my brand now has towards my team and my family. I just want to go home. After what I saw I don’t know if I am cut out to do these kinds of missions.

Not for the first time since I was captured, I think about how adamant everyone was that I am too young to be here and I was too stubborn to listen. The horrors I saw while I was there and I didn’t even leave the cell we were in and Jena went through so, so much worse. I hope we are both okay after this. I know I won’t be the same, I can’t imagine how Jena feels.

Osiston and Alpha Reggie said they were close but my ability to judge time is so off I don’t know how long I have been running with Jena on my back. I just know that my whole body is throbbing and my muscles burn from the exertion. The question is, am I out of shape because of how long we were captured and malnourished or have I been running for days? Where are they?

My wolf starts to slow down, we haven’t heard the sounds of paws behind us since I heard the voices of my team, but I wasn’t taking any chances. I just can’t push her anymore. She slows to a walk. We need food and water or we are never going to make it to them.

“Hey guys? Are you still there?”

“We’re coming, Little One. You’re farther than we thought. Keep following your pull. Alpha Reggie detoured to get Doc Sylvia like you asked”

“That’s the problem, I don’t know how much farther I can go with no food or water. We aren’t exactly battle ready here.” I huff at them. I can’t be angry at them, they don’t know and they don’t understand.


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