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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 399

We pull in and all jump out as soon as our driver puts it in park. I drag Jena out the door and to the elevators. Mina should be here already with Luna Anne and I can’t wait to see Xander and Oscar. I know they were both there when we we found, but I don’t remember much of the interactions now. Wyatt is just behind us laughing.

“Are you in a hurry Midge? You don’t have anyone you want to see do you?”

“Shut up Wyatt.” I stick my tongue out to him. “I haven’t seen them in almost a year. Can this elevator go any faster?”

“Relax Midge, your boys are just as excited to see you.”

“It’s not just them, I haven’t really seen Mina in over a month and Luna Anne. I wasn’t able to have contact with anyone not on the mission.”

The elevator doors ding and I pam out before the crack is big enough for anyone else. I ran straight to Luna Anne’s room and practically barge in the door. The minute I make eye contact with Luna Anne my eyes well up and I run into her waiting arms.

“I missed you sweet girl.” She says into my hair.

“I missed you too. I dodn’t know how much until right now though.”

“How are you, really? We have to sit doen and really talk about your ordeal. And you came back with someone just as impressive I hear.” She looks up over my shoulder and I turn around to see Jena standing in the door looking unsure of where to be.

“Hey, come here, I want to introduce you.” I wave Jena over.

“Sorry, Wyatt sent me in but didn’t follow.”

“That’s because he’s a good warrior and he’s standing guard outside.” Luna Anne laughs. “He also know he will be subjected to all things girl in here and he knows better now.”

“Jena this is Luna Queen Anne. Luna Anne this is Jena the Alpha female from the Black Diamond pack.”


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