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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 403

“You ready?”

“Huh?!” I look up at Xander confused, but he has a look on his face that tells me he is up to no good whatsoever.

“To dance. You do remember how right?”

“You mean the one and only time I was spun purposefully around the room by you, sure. I still can not do it on my own though, so I’m not sure what your expectations are exactly.”

“I need to hit the dance floor, out of obligation of course…”

“Of course.” I raise my eyebrow at him.

“And we may have to have a few pictures taken, up close and personal, you know, to make a point that I could possibly be involved with you somehow, considering I have never been to a party with a date, let alone the same person twice.”

“Uh huh…and?”

“Alpha Lucas may have asked me to share some of those photos to motivate a few certain people to get their asses in gear. His words, not mine.” He at least looked sheepish and I am glad he is warning me in his own demented boy way. “Remember, this is for Alpha Lucas and the guys. I am just going along with one of our most prominent Alpha’s reasonable requests.”


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