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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 426

Chapter 0426


The clash of fangs and claws echoed through the forest, and the wolves exchanged ferocious blows. The movements are so fast it’s hard to tell who caught these guys. I am stuck momentarily watching the beauty of the movement. Then I see it, the dark gray, almost black wolf with a small white patch on his front, crouches down and snarls at one of the mangy looking rogues.


It's Oliver's wolf and he’s beautiful in his furious glory. Before I can even say anything, he lunges at the rogue, clamps down on his neck and rips back. The rogue stood no chance against him. He turns towards the other rogue engaged with his partner.

“Oliver! I need him alive!” I shout through our link and it feels almost rusty and slow.

Oliver's wolf whips his head towards us as we run forward, then looks back to the rogue lunging forward and sinking his teeth into its back flank. The rogue howls in pain, but there's enough damage that he can't fight anymore. The rogue falls to his side panting and whimpering.

Oliver's patrol buddy shifts and it’s one of the teens that trained with us forever ago. I can't remember his name, but he has certainly grown up. I don't pay much attention though, I only have eyes for my friend.

I slowly walk up to him, still in my wolf form and he lets out

a little growl which makes me pause. Then he shifts and stands there in all his naked glory.

I shift back, fully clothed and he gives me a curious once over. I can feel Lillian and Jena behind me, they have shifted too.

“Oliver.” It comes out like a whisper.

"You're here?” He says it like a question, but it also sounds accusing. I nod and take a tentative step forward. "But not to stay?”

I shake my head ‘no.’ “I’m sure you all heard the rogues are on the move, we chased these two here after we took out four others. We need to question this one. I'll find out where Osiston wants him.”

“That's it? All business now. Too caught up in being a warrior to even check in with your friends?” Yep, he’s angry with me.

My breath catches, but before I can say or do anything else I am tackled to the ground by a white and ginger wolf who starts aggressively licking my face. I hear exclamations from the girls, but I start to giggle and it feels amazing. “Sam, stop! I'm so gross, covered in blood and dirt and who knows what else.” He licks my face one more time and then jumps off of me shifting. He also stands up completely naked. Reaching a hand down to help me up.


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