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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 431

“What the hell? That sounds crazy!” Lil laughs. “These guys sound like the guys on the compound. What do you do to make them just fall at your feet? You have to teach me your secrets.”

“I don’t do anything, and shut up, no one falls at my feet. I was just really close with these guys, I’ve known them my whole life and the year before I came to training, we were pretty much inseparable. I struggled without them too, I just had other things to deal with at the time.”

“Yeah, like spending a month in the hospital recovering from being poisoned by someone in your own pack. Sorry Luna Ava, but I don’t understand why she is still able to be out and about walking around when she hurts pack members, especially pups.” Jena is bold, she always has been with me, but it is fun to see her come out of the shell her time with Mike put her in. She is embracing her Alpha blood and an equal to Luna Ava.

“This room is a safe space, and completely soundproof. And nothing I say leaves this room, I trust you girls because my Sky trusts you with her life. Kaley is a problem, always has been and without concrete evidence there’s very little we can do. Trust me we have tried, but we can’t just come out and accuse her of anything without it. We can’t be accused of playing favorites. Her family is the kind of family that will cause trouble. What am I talking about? They are causing trouble now. Just to give you a heads up, because your not-so-warm welcome is going to be a constant. The Cunninghams are staying with us while their home is being repaired. They are taking up half of the second floor, where you girls will be staying.” She looks over at Lil and Jena with a grimace.

“If it’s a problem, they can stay up here with me…” I start.

“NO! Sorry, no they can’t. Kaley can’t say anything about you being up here, because you have always had a room up here. She will have a fit if we let your friends stay up here with you. It shouldn’t matter, nor should it be anyone else’s business. But they are the worst type of me-to people I have ever met and they tend to bog us down with useless business that really only benefits them. But Lucas and I have discovered that if we keep them busy, they don’t go do things behind our backs.”

“You pack members just do that?” Jena is actually offended.


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