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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 435


Lil and I couldn’t hide our laughter.

“Anything you want Alpha.”

“Lil, don’t be an ass. Alpha or not this little douche canoe is going to learn respect and how to ask questions with respect.”

“I was hoping you could say ‘Alpha’ a couple more times. I don’t think you got a round half dozen.” I add on. We clearly stopped paying attention the minute he questioned a female being an Alpha.

“The problem now is observation. Don’t make things more complicated than they need to be. See the objective and follow it, everything else is fluff.” Cam starts ignoring us.. “Who has the flag?”

“Beta Sky got it down, she brought it over the line.” A girl smiles at me.

“No. I don’t have it. I got to it first so I retrieved it. Beyond that it doesn’t matter who gets it over the finish line. There was no need to keep it when many of you made the assumption that I touched it so I have it, I passed it off almost immediately.”

Lil smiles. “Then we both split, you had to choose who to follow. Most followed Beta Sky.” She looks at me with a smirk. “We divided your ranks.”

“We crossed paths about a dozen times before we crossed the finish line. All three of us connected each time.” Jena fills in the rest. We speak as one person because we act as a unit.

“There’s no way you switched off that big flag without any of us noticing.” Another boy from the back.

“And yet we did. I had it at least three times. Warrior Lil, you?”

“Four, I think, unless you count when Beta Sky gave it to me on the rope climb.”

“None of us had it for more than a few seconds. In a real fight we all would have gone in completely different directions leading pursuers to warriors who could ambush them and assist us. That is how a team works. We are all important. We have team leads and assigned tasks so nothing is missed. It’s not about being in charge or being the hero, it’s about completing the task or assignment.” I finish

“There’s your takeaway today. Go get cleaned up, you all have a couple more hours of classes and Principal Duncan is expecting you in ten.” All the kids scatter like ants.

“So which one of you really has it?” Sam asks, laughing again. “I saw it change a couple times, but lost it.”

“Well, you should maybe go to Sky training too, since you can’t seem to pay attention.” Lil laughs back at him.

“Seriously, though. Who has it? None of you look like you have it stuffed anywhere fun at least.”


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