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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 437


“I like your friend Little One!” Alpha Lucas smiles at me and I wink back at him.

“Luna Ava, what did you have on the schedule for tomorrow? We are still waiting on orders and would love to help out.” I try to redirect the conversation.

“Actually, shouldn’t you girls be in school? You can’t have your education disrupted this way, it’s truancy and lazy. I won’t stand for it while you are in our pack.” Kevin says this as if he’s the Alpha.

“We are all set, Mr. Cunningham. I graduated several years ago. Similar to Cameron and Dakota, I had my studies accelerated so I could also train as the next Alpha. Lillian has also graduated. And Miss Smarty pants over here was so far ahead in her studies that she qualified for and took college classes while running missions and now the Alpha King himself has been teaching her.” Jena sounds so polite, it’s kind of scary. I’m wondering if she’s possessed. And then I remember that there was a time when she was training to do all of this. She wasn’t a hardened warrior, but a political princess, and she knows how to use her words just as effectively as her fists. It’s just not a side we see very often on the missions we run. We tend to stick to the shadows as much as possible.

“I would still prefer you all in school, what kind of example is it setting to have teenagers running around galavanting?”

“Did he not just hear that we all graduated already?” Lil doesn’t hide her irritation very well on her face and Jena nudges her under the table.

“Yep, just wait, I’m sure there’s an angle here.”

“I think it would be prudent if all of our young leaders spent more time in school actually. Setting a good example and all. Mingling with the lower pack members and gaining their trust is always the best way to start a new rule.” He’s still standing there holding his plate looking ridiculous.

No one says anything about his ruling comment. What kind of response do you give to a delusion like that?

I wonder if he thought someone was going to move one of the ‘pups’ to make room for him if he stood there long enough. Even Kyle is avoiding eye contact with him. They couldn’t be more different even though they are brothers. It’s actually weird to see them in the same place.

Where Delta Kyle is all muscle and bulk from training Kevin is wiry and lanky. All werewolves have a general muscle tone about them, but most of us still work for it. Kevin Cunningham is skinny by wolf standards and a little gaunt in the face. His skin is paler, just hammering home the idea that he spends more time inside than out, even though our wolves prefer being outdoors.

“There it is.” I link to my friends. “He wants the boys back in school, because of Kaley.”

“He does realize that won’t help her chances, right?” Jena asks.

“Obviously not, they are both still trying.”

“Well, if you all are done eating why don’t you run along and go hangout while the adults talk.” Kevin tries to direct us.


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