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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 445

“So what are we doing? What can I expect from this magic thing, Bitty?” Oliver asks as we head back to where my semi-hidden hammock is.

“Really, I can’t do much with magic, but I’m focusing on how to sense it and have been able to start manipulating elements a little with it. Magic is really hard. Do you remember learning to shift for the first time?” He nods at me. “It’s kind of like that when I use magic. Somewhere in me I have the capacity for it, but because it isn’t my first nature the learning is slow and draining. With the Rogues using magic, sensing it is my main focus and Elena agrees. If we can avoid things and people that are being manipulated and controlled by magic, we can keep more pack members safe. What happened to Jena’s pack and Tyler’s pack is unacceptable and I believe magic is going to be the Rogue King’s weakness.”

“How so?”

“The rogues are lazy and weak when it comes to real fighting. They are too reliant on magic to take control with no real effort. That’s how Jena and I were able to get away after Gentry kept the wolfsbane and other poisons out of our food. We had to fight a little, but not as much as I would have thought once they discovered us gone. I was also able to kill Janice without a lot of effort too when she tried to take me on one on one. I didn’t think about it at the time, but I don’t sleep well so I've had time on my hands.”

“What do you mean you don’t sleep well? You slept fine last night.”

“I have always slept better with you guys around.” I smile at him. “I’m pretty sure it’s the only time I actually hit a deep sleep really. You guys are just my people, you’re safe, home.” He pulls me into a hug and I can hear his wolf purr softly in his chest.

“That was the ego boost we needed. Now he isn’t going to shut up the rest of the day.” Oliver laughs. “So what do I need to do?”

I walk him through what it looks like for me to work with the elements and some of the history that Elena has been teaching me. He’s as big of a geek as I am, so I know he appreciates the in-depth information. The rest of the guys would have stayed and pretended to pay attention while spacing out. Cam would have lasted the longest, while Sam would have made it two minutes before offering to get snacks and drinks. I also explained that he needs to watch me for signs of distress, because the concentration is so deep, I can’t always pull myself out of it and I can actually get hurt while I’m in a trance.

We finally unwrap and open the ancient grimoire. I know that this thing has been around for generations, but the thought of it being here outside the safety of the Royal pack makes me a little nervous and excited all at the same time. It is clearly important, if she broke her own rule to bring it to me.

There is an envelope tucked in between pages. I open straight to it and see why immediately. I open the thick envelope and unfold the heavy, hand pressed paper. I can feel the hum through my fingers just touching it. I know there is magic, even here. I begin to read.

Skylar, I wish I could be with you, but my coven needs me more right now. Your rogues are terrorizing my kind and we must help put an end to the injustice. Our leaders can no longer avoid it or pretend it is not happening. We are going to bring our brothers and sisters home.

You must continue your training. I believe you are vital to our cause. Read the grimoire from front to back and stop where the magic calls you. Your wolf can guide you as well since she is of the same magic. Make sure you are safe when practicing, knowing who to trust is becoming a dangerous game. I have marked three pages for you to follow before and after you practice casting. This will keep you and your watcher safe as well as suppress your strong aura.

The first will help you veil your practice area and bar anyone outside your space from entering until you drop the veil. This may affect your ability to mindlink when you first begin to cast. As you get better at the skill, it will be less broad and you can manipulate it to your will.


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