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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 447

“Honestly, I don’t know about Kevin, he’s been a part of the school forever, but Kaley uses fear to stay in control of the kids at school. It started as small threats and mean girl comments, but people got used to it and she had to up her game. I caught her physically beating a little girl and I stepped in, that’s when she started targeting me. She broke the leg of one of the warrior’s daughters with three of her minions and recorded it when I wouldn’t give her the answers to a test. The message that came with the video was ‘choose better next time.’ When I went to my dad the video was gone and couldn’t be found and I got in trouble for causing problems. But the little girl was harmed and nothing happened to Kaley.”

“She didn’t say anything. She was afraid. I’m sure they told her she would be hurt more if she did. That’s how things always happen. We have cameras all over the school and yet every time I was pulled into a closet and smacked around or the day I was taken and whipped then dragged out to the forest, no evidence could be found and therefore I ‘must be lying to get attention’ according to her dad. Since of course I envy her intelligence and beauty.

“AHHH! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!” This time Lil did roll off the bed laughing. She pops up like a gopher from the far side. “You have got to be kidding me! That make-up caked-up diva wannabe? No one wants to be her! That’s the dumbest thing I think I have ever heard! They are delusional.”

“We need to get into the school and I need access to the computers. She can’t cause this many problems and not make some kind of mistake. You are the smartest person I know, there is no way she is outwitting you. You just happen to take her threats seriously and she is crazy enough to follow through on the violence. But there is something we are missing. You are a Beta, beat her ass at her own game and then beat her ass for real. I have been here two days and I want to punch her teeth in.” Jena growls.

“I agree. We are stuck here and we train just fine on our own, we don’t need to follow your puppies around everyday. How do we get in? What’s a good reason for us to be at school since none of us need to be in the building? We need a reason to snoop around and get into every nook and cranny of that school at all times of the day and night.” Lil settles herself next to Jena, like she needs to show they are both in this for real.

“They are not my puppies and I’m down with filling our time. I have to have some time between sessions of magic work. It’s exhausting. I didn’t realize how much Elena was helping me.”

“You say they aren’t your puppies, but you knew exactly who I was talking about.” Lil raises an eyebrow at me.

“Who else would you be talking about? I don’t have a large group of friends. And besides, I think one of the puppies has imprinted on Jena.” I smile at her.

“Mateo has not imprinted on me, you are delusional. We annoy each other.” She rolls her eyes and Lil snaps her head to the side.

“But you knew exactly who she was talking about.” Lil’s sh*t eating grin says everything and we all start laughing.


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