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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 454

Chapter 0454
"Alright, I have all of the cameras on a loop for now. I'll get a loop of the office empty here soon. Then we should be good to go. It doesn't appear that any of them are recording sound, but the microphone was on when we walked in, which means someone is trying to record conversations. I have control of that as well. It's just static now. That will eat up all the storage they are recording on and whoever it is will need to come and tryto fix it sooner rather than later."

She takes a deep breath. "l want to connect to the signals on the cameras In the hallways and we will need to do a full sweep of the school. I wonder if there are any cameras in the bathrooms or locker rooms too. It's disgusting, but blackmail always needs proof and your little girlfriend has some kind of leverage on people to get them to do what she wants."
With the kind of pull her dad has, it wouldn't surprise me." Lil says, seriously.

also need to make sure that this isn't different people." I roll my eyes at their looks. "l hate the b*tch, but I'm not going to assume this is all her and her dad. Everytime we find something, this whole thing seems bigger than just the two of them. Maybe it's connected or maybe we just have more than one sh*tty person in our pack. But I won't just try to target because I don't like them."
"Let's go figure out how deep your leech is in this then." Lil jumps from her spot on the edge of Jena's desk, slapping

Mateo on the back.
you need to stay here and figure out how someone got in here and how to prevent it without making any noticeable changes." I look at her.
"Ugh! Boring. We already know they came in through the window. And that is an easy fix."
AAhat?! How do you know?" Oliver seems genuinely curious.
This window was set up to be accessed from the inside or the outside. The way the latch sits here, it can be flipped from this spot on the outside of the window." She quickly goes through what she is explaining. "Either someone was planning to break into the school or whoever designed this office wanted to be able to get in and out without detection and the first thing any intelligent person would do is check the locks on the windows and doors."
"Can you look at all the windows here and at the pack house for the same features? I'm curious, now that you are bringing it up." Mateo asks.
"Sure. It will be easier when Nathaniel and Wyatt can be here. They will help this process go faster."
are they? Oliver almost keeps the jealous tone out of his voice. My brother is not successful at all and I smile.
"They are part of our team. Nathaniel is probably the only person smarter than Jena with computers and Wyatt was here for trials, he was on my capture the flag team. I will need them for this project."

"You got it boss." Lil says laughing as I kick her in the ass as she runs out the door.
"Not your boss. Now get back here, you aren't going anywhere until this lock is secure."
Yes, boss." We all laughed this time. 'I'll link you when I'm done, shouldn't take me too long."
The rest of us head out of the office and down the hallway towards the highschool end of the building.
"Mateo, why don't you stay and work with Jena here, and Oliver and I will go to the second floor and look around covering more space."
"Why do you automatically assume we will want to work together?"

Jena attempts snark, but she can't fool me. She is getting close to my brother, whatever that means, and I think it scares her. It didn't go unnoticed that they were together in my bed this morning.

I don't think they were doing anything nasty, she physically has no desires like that right now. but she is drawn to him the same way she is drawn to me. For the first time since have known her, she slept in a room without me and didn't wake up screaming for me in the middle of the night That has to mean something. don't know if that is because we are siblings or something else. I am not opening that can of worms though.

"Because Oliver isn't going to let me out of his sight while I'm in the same building as Kaley. And it's my brother's job to protect the Alpha." I wink at them and head up the stairs before either can protest.

Once we get far enough away, Oliver touches my arm gently. "How did you know that I wouldn't let you walk around here with Kaley on the loose?" It's a whisper and it's almost unsure.
"Oliver, of all the guys, you have noticed the most about me. At this point, it's an unacknowledged fact that Kaley has a massive problem with me, she always has. There is no way you were going to leave my side, even if Mateo was here with me. That is how reliable you are to me." I just turn and keep walking.

All in all, today was productive for us. We found a total of twenty two cameras and have every intention of searching the rest of the school. Jena was able to get schematics of the school so Lil could map them out for us as we found them. We don't see any common theme or direction they are pointing in. It doesn't appear like they are targeting any one in particular, but we also only found the ones in the most populated areas of the high school. We need to pinpoint more.

Jena was also able to find the plans for the Cunningham's house while getting the plans for the school. We now can prove the unnecessary changes and permit submissions are what is holding everything up.


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