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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 465

“Get out of my way, you little gremlin!” Kaley shouts. “Your future Luna should be first.” Then she pushes this poor little girl who can’t be more than six out of the way. “Move your big ass and let me into the packhouse, NOW!” She yells at a warrior who was clearly stationed to protect the Luna. He’s on a set of steps leading up to a door so I can’t see his face, but he is clearly not phased by Kaley’s outburst.

I wade closer, Jena right behind me with a hand on my shoulder. It doesn’t take much for the kids to move out of my way now that many of them have gotten a good look at us.

“Ramsey.” I call out and he looks at me. He’s a castle warrior, meaning this is serious. “How’s the Luna?”

“She is with Delta Gwen, preparing. They decided it would be safer right now for all the pups and Omegas to stay in the tunnels.” I nod’

“Do we have access to supplies? I have an injured warrior and I would like to check over the children. There was a lot going on and I’m afraid some of them might have gotten hurt.”

“Yes, they will be bringing it down shortly. I would help, but some do not understand the need to stay down here and quiet.”

“Luna Ava, Delta Gwen. we have the pups in the tunnels, but we have a Kaley problem and Ramsey cannot leave to come help you.”

“Put that b*tch in her place! We are under attack and no one is going to die because she feels the need to be dramatic. Tie her down for all I care and you can let her and her father know that her aunt gave the order for that.”

“Done! He’ll be up shortly, let me know what else Jena and I can do.”

“Kaley, sit down. Ramsey has a job to do and you are keeping him from that.”

“His job is to let the future Luna into the packhouse where she can go into the safe room while we are under attack.” She puts her hands on her hips and turns fully towards me. I nod to Ramsey letting him know I have this. Jena moves around me to take his place. Making sure to rub her bloody arm across Kaley’s


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