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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 468

Skylar POV

I am roasting. That is the first thing I think when my brain starts to come back to life and I am sore, but not where I thought I would be. I slowly open my eyes expecting the twins to be smothered around me, but it's not citrus and cinnamon that I smell. What I smell is sweeter like a tulip, then I get a hint of fresh cut grass, then pine.

I am not in my room or the twin’s room. I slowly open my eyes and I can’t move my head and almost jump for a second when another scent hits me. Jena’s sharp and warm nutmeg scent. THe spice blends with the others surrounding me and I am almost overwhelmed.

I can feel my heartrate pick up. I know Jena is here with me, but where is here?

“Jena. Hey Jena. I can’t move. Where are we?”

“Huh?” Her groggy voice comes through the link, but she’s awake enough to respond through the link.

I can hear rustling next to me and then a sharp intake of breath. She’s stuck too.

“Who else is here? I don’t recognize any of these scents, but they don’t smell hostile. My wolf says we’re safe.”

“Mine too.” I reply, but given our history Jena and I need to see, feel and hear that we are actually safe.

“Okay, I have a headache now, are you two okay?” Mateo’s voice comes low across the room that I am now realizing is dark.

“Mateo, what’s going on? Where are we?” I try to keep the panic down, he’s here too, we aren’t alone.

“You’re in one of the guest rooms, we couldn’t get your new fan club to let go of you two.” He chuckles. “You have no idea how complicated that twas to get you guys through the trapdoor. Speaking of which, we need to talk about that design, Shorty. We should be able to carry an injured, or in this case, unconscious, pack member in and out of the tunnels.”

I sat up slowly, not wanting to disturb the little pup next to me, Lily. “That was actually the prime reason for the design. The only reason to go to the packhouse would be to harm the Alpha and Luna or to kidnap them or someone from the Alpha’s family. So it worked exactly as it was supposed to. If a pack member was so injured they needed to be carried, they could ultimately stay in the tunnels safely, heal and get the medical attention they needed and then join the fight again if possible. It is designed to have supplies, we just haven’t gotten that far yet. We had to work in secret, obviously we did our jobs well.”

“Yep, I think Cam and Kota are going to have some words with you. They aren’t used to things slipping under their noses.”

“Luna Ava, Delta Gwen and I are sure that someone in our ranks is double crossing us and they are close to you guys, we have to prove it though, and like everything else around here that is proving to be the hard part.”

He stretches and I really look around for the first time noticing I am surrounded on all sides, by pups and Jena. We are lucky the Luna keeps king sized beds in all of the guest rooms. I have Lily right next to me, little Stephanie is on my other side and Ronan is sprawled awkwardly across my legs, but he is out cold, so he must be comfortable.

Jena has Sebastian across her chest, which explains why she hasn’t sat up yet. And Juliana on her other side. I look back at Mateo and he is wincing through stretching.

“Did you sleep in that chair?”


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