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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 470

I take a slow breath in, then begin. “Wyatt, Lillian, Nathaniel and I met at trials two summers ago. They were selected for Elite Warrior training and went through the branding process before I arrived. They helped me catch up with the training since I joined the program after their session started. Jena and I met while we were both held captive by Mike and the Rogue King’s army near the University of Maine, while I was undercover with Wilhemina and Warrior Nickolas.”

“Heads up. Sh*t is going down. I’m down with the Alpha, Luna, Cameron and Dakota being questioned.” I mindlink my team without so much as pausing in my story to my pack leaders.

“Mina and I received partial Warrior brands so Nickolas could keep track of us since the end goal was for one or both of us to be captured. The brand was applied by Gentry, Warrior Nickolas’ mate, shortly before she was captured by the Rogue King’s guys. Jena and I were able to eventually escape and Warrior Osiston and Alpha King Reginald decided that she needed to stay with the warriors while we research the outcome of the survivors from her pack.”

“What the f*ck!” Both Jena and Lil say together.

“Stay put for now, they don’t know I can talk to you and them at the same time. They are asking about our team. I don’t think they suspect me, but I don’t know what’s going on yet. Quick recon from where you are. There was noise outside my bedroom window, start there.”

“Got it boss.” Nathaniel responds.

I take another deep breath, appearing to collect my thoughts. I have to give my friends time to figure out what the twins found. “Jena and I both suffer from some PTSD from our time in captivity. We seem to do better when we are close together, we share a room at the training compound and typically bunk together when we are on missions. The five of us have been working successful missions under the direction of Warrior Osiston, Warrior Nickolas, Warrior Thomas and Alpha Reggie since Jena and I fully physically recovered.”

“How well do you know your teammates? Do you have their backgrounds, histories?” Alpha Lucas asks, staying stoic. He’s in Alpha mode.

“Well, for obvious reasons, I have an extensive background on Jena. She and I share a trauma, hers is far deeper than mine.” I look at Luna Ava, who heard Jena’s outburst to Kaley. She gives me a little nod. “When Jena was captured, Mike thought that breeding with an Alpha female would give him a strong heir. When we finally traced all of her events back to her pack being attacked, we found that he had her about a year. So when they caught me he had been r*ping her almost daily for at least ten months. My time with her allowed me to witness up close and personal his violation of her. I got her out of that situation, we have a bond, she is loyal to me.”


“Nothing yet. It took me a minute to get a drone outside. We have warriors outside our rooms now. We are being observed.” Nathaniel whispers, even though we are talking through our warrior link.

“Give me a job, somebody. I’m starting to feel claustrophobic now.”

“I’m stuck too. I am with pups in the living room, but Delta Gwen just showed up. I have a clear sight to the front door, and I can hear into the kitchen. Nothing on the first floor other than the Delta.” Lil reports.


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