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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 472

“I have never done anything except work to protect this pack. I was abused and neglected and I still kept going. I left to get stronger, hoping it would be enough.” I start in a whisper, but I can feel my anger grow and my voice begins to match. “I have been here for months, allowing and helping your warriors to get stronger. My team is the best team the Alpha King has. We have busted our asses and helped plan the extra patrol routes and the evacuation routes. I designed and implemented the tunnel build as an escape or a safe space for the pups and your Luna. All as assigned by you and the Alpha King himself. Who I will remind you I CAN’T DECEIVE.” I show my warrior brand to them. “If I wanted to harm the pack, I would have done it when I first got here, when you all were weak and disorganized, not months later.” Alpha Lucas hangs his head, Luna Ava has her hand over her mouth. The twins are frozen, and I can’t find it in me to feel bad for any of them. I can’t feel a thing, my tears have stopped and I am numb, except for anger. And in anger, I do the one thing I never thought I would.

I rip my shirt and sports bra off and turn away from them. “This is what you are rewarding. You are rewarding a serial abuser and narcissist. I was twelve when Kaley had me dragged to the old greenhouse. She had two guys string me up by my wrists while she whipped me with a silver tipped whip, then for good measure used silver powder in the wounds hoping I would die slowly. Then she dragged me out to the woods where I was for two days, because no one looks for the girl no one wants around anyway. When I did survive she just made sure I was in a constant state of injury.” I pull my sports bra back on, I’m not hiding anymore. “The night of the ball two years ago, I was changing in the locker room when I was attacked. There was no scent to warn me. This time she was only there to give instructions. She didn’t want to get her dress dirty, she needed to be presentable for the Alphas when their date stood them up and she needed to rescue them.” I pin the guys with a look. “Everyone’s problem is they still see me as weak and they see her as stupid. Neither of us are what people believe and your pack is suffering for it.”

I turn as the knock on the door sounds. I open it to see my team seething on the other side.

“What’s going on?” Mateo sounds distraught as he and Oliver run down the hall followed by Sierra and Sam. They were left out of this too.

“I think your Alphas have pressing pack matters to discuss with you, there is a traitor in the pack. Let’s move, we have patrols to run.” I say to my team.

Lil hands me my bag and we all walk towards the front door.

“Wait, Bitty, what’s going on? Where are you going?”

“Don’t leave, I’m sure this is a misunderstanding.” Mateo shouts.

I don’t look back. The ranks are being divided. The guys never used to keep secrets from each other. This is really bad, but I can’t save them from themselves. We make it to the front door, with everyone following based on the sheer volume of the footsteps.

“Oliver, tell Lily I had a mission and I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye.” I look over my shoulder at him. He looks close to tears, shaking his head.

“Don’t do this Bitty, not again.” He whispers.

“It’s not again. I wasn’t given a choice last time, I was removed from the pack for everyone else’s safety, since clearly all the problems surround me.” I look at my brother then, Sam and Sierra. I don’t know what they know or think is going on, but no one else moves to stop me. So, they either agree or have an Alpha command to stay put.


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