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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 476

We finish and clean up. Wyatt and Nathaniel take their post in the living room which has become our makeshift surveillance headquarters. With all of the talk and blatant reveal of cameras all over the packhouse, none of them have been taken down. Just another sign that they are under some kind of control, but whatever it is, whoever holds the reins doesn’t seem to have access to their memory or the information they hold. Cause if it was me, that would have been the first thing I took over, knowing that we have cameras all over the school and packhouse and the pack borders.

We now take shifts monitoring the packhouse, the school and the perimeter. There are only five of us and we are exhausted, but this is the requirement of the mission, we can sleep properly later. If we can gain back some of my friends and hopefully their parents, things will get better, so that’s my focus now.

Jena, Lil and I pour over the grimoire. It’s like a diary, filled with notes about the moon at that moment and the best place to find certain plants at specific times of the year. Then there are notes scribbled into the margins all around the spells and incantations. So many different hands have touched and contributed to this book, I feel special just being allowed to read it. It’s not lost on me that my friends can now read it too. When it first came to me, only I could see the words. I’m not sure what’s changed, but I love it.

“There!!” Jena shouts as she points to the topmost inner corner of a page. There is tiny purple writing, “To counter an attack start with the most simple solution, cut the cord.” She reads out loud.

“What in the hell does that mean?” Lil asks.


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