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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 478

As we all start to pack our gear and head out. Sam slips something in my hand as he passes by, not looking at me. Someone must be watching. This is so stupid. I bend down like I am digging through my bag so I can read it.

Bonfire, midnight, just you.

“What the f*ck does that mean? ‘Just you’ like anyone is going to let you go anywhere alone right now.”

“I don’t know, but they can’t mindlink me to tell me and clearly this was written so it didn’t matter if it got lost or found. This could be for anyone.”

“Yeah, but you still aren’t going alone, that’s for damn sure.”

“We’ll talk about it at the house, we are clear here.”

When we get back to the house Lenny is waiting there by the cute little picket fence that lines the sidewalk.

“I have your food and a few little extra goodies. I was able to talk with Jena a little bit and catch up. I miss having you girls in the packhouse. There is so much testosterone overwhelming the Luna and I. You girls softened everyone up a bit.”

“Wait, Kaley didn’t move herself into Sky’s room?” Lil sounds surprised.

“Not everything is going that girl's way. Now, Martha will be by with dinner for you tonight. The Alpha is having guests and I really need to be there to help with that.” She winks at us and just walks away.

“I hate all of this talking in code. Is this what it’s like to be human and have to share secrets with no mindlink? This blows.” Lil huffs as I laugh at her comparison.


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