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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 489

I jump and swing on the rope climb and go down instead of up. I can’t allow him to trap me up there and be forced to make me fall. Then I run under the structure towards the opposite side where we have blocks elevated on poles at varying heights so it looks like a garden of metal and wood flowers sprouting from the ground. As we both pass under the center, the structure creeks again, but this time the creaking doesn’t stop, then I hear wood splinter and snap. The sound of wood thunking as the whole thing tilts to one side. I am frozen in place. Everything is in slow motion. All the training I did, the focus, the speed drills, strength training and it means nothing as watching one of my favorite forms of escape start to crumble is what does me in.

“SKYLAR, MOVE!”” The shout and the shove break me from my thoughts. I am thrown from my place under the obstacle structure. I hit something with my back then roughly collide with the ground.

Then all I hear is a loud set of snaps then a cloud of dust from the training ground floor as the deck of the obstacle course smashes into the dirt. A few yells and screams, then silence.

I can’t see anything. There is dust and dirt flying everywhere. I stand up, sore from my impact, but I can’t see the Alpha, he was right behind me, he should be right here. Now I’m moving faster, adrenaline kicking into high gear. Where is he?

“ALPHA!!” I shout, and I can hear other commotion around me. “”ALPHA! Can anyone see him?” I shout into the air.

Naturally Oliver gets to me first. “Bitty, are you okay?”

“Fine. Where’s Alpha Lucas?” I cut his perusal of my injuries off.


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