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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 491

I walk next to her and wrap her up in my arms, she buries her face in my stomach and holds me tight around the waist. She’s not crying though. I’m not sure if that’s because she is focusing on staying calm for him, since they can feel each other through the bond, or if she’s coming to terms with the worst possible outcome. I don’t say anything, if she needs to talk to me she will.

This time it was hours before a healer came back into the room. Someone brought in a small cot for the Luna to lay on and rest, and she insisted that I sit with her. She has kept contact with me since I hugged her, she seems to be as reluctant to let me go as the Alpha was. When the healer enters we both sit up straight, listening intently.

“The Alpha is out of surgery now. When they are done dressing his wounds they will bring him back in here for you to sit with him. It would be best if you stayed while he heals. It will make it progress more quickly. The young Alphas and a few others have been asking to see you for an update. What would you like me to tell them?”

“Cameron and Dakota can come back, they need to see their dad. You can tell the rest he’s out of surgery and I will update them all soon.”

“I can go talk to them Luna, I need to update my team and make sure we have security set…”

“No, you need to be here when he comes back, you promised you would be here. He needs to see you as much, maybe more, than the boys.”

I just nod. I don’t agree with her, but I don’t want to argue with her either when she’s like this. The last time I was in a room with the four of them, I was called a traitor and accused of all kinds of things. I really don’t want a repeat.

I stay by the Luna as they wheel in the Alpha, fast asleep on his bed. At least he has color to him now and with the drape of the blankets, you would never know what he just went through looking at him. He just looks peacefully asleep. Luna Ava doesn’t move from her chair right away, she just sits and stares. I really wish I knew what was going on in her mind.

The twins walk in soon after and I can hear Kaley’s high pitched squeals from the hallway.

“A Luna needs to be with her Alphas at a time like this… get your hands off me and let me through…I will have you know…”

Dakota slams the door shut and takes a deep breath. When he turns around he avoids eye contact with me and stands next to Cam on the other side of the bed. They both look sad and lost, like the little boys I used to know.

“What did they say mom?” Cam finally asks after a long silence.


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