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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 493

I go back to sitting on the cot and lean my back up against the wall, pull my knees up to my chest and just stare at the Alpha. The three of them want me here, fine, but I don’t have to play nice and friendly. I want to link Sam and Oliver, but the twins don’t know that I can yet and I don’t want to slip them information they shouldn’t or wouldn’t know. They do deserve an update from me though.

I rub my hands over my face. I have to play this right and to do that I need to know what kind of hold Kaley and Kevin really have on them, but I don’t know if these three will be able to tell me anything anyway.

I decide to let Oliver and Sam know what’s going on, but make sure they know they can’t interfere unless they get directions from the twins, Luna or their dads. Naturally they were both pissed.

“My team is organizing.” I decided to start a conversation. Luna Ava has pulled up a chair next to the Alpha and is holding his hand and stroking his cheek. The way she looks at him is so amazing. I know it isn’t just the mate bond pulling her towards him. They are so in love it makes me jealous. I can’t wait for someone to look at me like that. “What is the status of the Gamma and Lenny? My warriors are in place and haven’t seen them yet.” I don’t take my eyes off the Alpha.

“Gamma Brett just got here with her. There was a complication at the packhouse.” Cam says.

“What did Kaley want? Access to your rooms at the packhouse or access to the hospital?” I say in a bored tone. Nothing she does surprises me anymore.

“Here.” Dakota huffs out and scratches the back of his neck.

“Look, I don’t care what choices you have made, I have no control over you or have any right to make requests of you, but if she is here, then I will not be, period.”

“Skylar…” Cam pleads, but before he can continue Gamma Brett and Oliver walk in the door.

“What are you doing here?” Again, not holding anything back, I stare past the Gamma and at my trouble making friend.

“Dad said everyone close to the Alphas needed a protection detail, I am here for you.” He gives me that half smirk and a wink that tells me I am not going to win this argument, but he really wants me to try. Then he saunters over and sits right next to me, close enough for every inch of my left side to touch his right. “I also caught Lil on the way in and she said to give you this.”

He hands me a backpack and now I know I’m in for trouble. I can guarantee she told him about our conversation and they are conspiring together. He just smiles wider as I take it. I open it slowly, I’m almost afraid of what I will find. Lil has been known to pack some prank stuff on missions, especially if it’s long and drawn out like this one.

“Gamma Brett, we are going to need a bigger room if all of us are going to be here with the Alpha, do you know if the hospital has a space that can house us all?” The Luna asks.

“Not off the top of my head, I’ll go ask.” He thumbs over his shoulder and starts to head towards the door.

“I’ll come with you, I need to stretch my legs.” She jumps up from her chair. “Boys, let me know if anything, and I mean anything changes while I am gone.”


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