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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 495

“That’s it.”


“I think I know why I feel like sh*t at least. I think my healing powers were siphoned off to get rid of whatever that sh*t is.” I point at the ceiling. “I’m probably healing normally now.”

Luna Ava looks over at the twins. “Boys, I need to talk to Skylar now, alone.” She holds up a hand before they can protest. “Brett, Oliver, you too. Go now please, but stay close. Do not wander. Skylar is right and we're all safest here right now.” Oliver and Cam don’t let go right away.

“I’ll be okay, just stay close so I can sense you.” I don’t look at either of them. I was talking to Oliver, but that would probably start another argument. I shift so I am standing on my own two feet. I just feel weak, everything is achy and I want to sleep, but I need to hear what she has to say. She’s gotta give me something, fill in some gaps, right?

Reluctantly, the twins let their Gammas push them out the door. “Luna, we will be right here, I want to know if something, anything happens.” Gamma Brett pins her with a stare.

“Of course.” She waits until the door is closed. Then walks over and wraps me in a hug. “I am so sorry sweet girl. None of this was supposed to happen.” I don’t return it, but I don’t pull away either. I need answers. Now. “I think Lucas should tell you.”

“Huh?” She walks me next to him and his eyes are open. “ When the hell did that happen?” I ask, shocked.

“While you were all sleeping. There is a lot to tell you and not a lot of time. Your Gamma is not going to leave you alone for long, especially while you are still vulnerable. I’m surprised Brett was able to get him to walk out the door.”

“What do you mean ‘my Gamma?’”

“Skylar, sweetheart, we’ve known for a while that you are our next Luna. I don’t know why you don’t see it.”

“The f*ck? How do you know, no one knows until the twins find their mate.”

“There are a lot of reasons, it’s not important right this second, just know that you are and your troubles aren’t over. Now, you need to know that Kevin is dangerous, more dangerous than we ever realized.” She looks down at the Alpha.

He grabs my hand. His is cold and clammy, now what you would expect for a big strong Alpha. “You have to understand that they took my family, my whole world and I had to get them back at any cost. I was young and desperate. I didn’t have the strength that you do to fight and push through my troubles, I sought the easiest way to save them.”

He’s talking in riddles. “Save who? What are you talking about?” I’m so frustrated and tired right now.

“They took my Luna, they took her when she was pregnant with the boys. My whole world was just gone. They were hidden, and no one was able to track them and I couldn’t sense her, but I knew she wasn’t dead. We thought it might be magic, so I found a witch who was willing to help me, for a price.”

“Wait someone took you?” I couldn’t help myself. She just nods. “Did they hurt you? Hurt the twins?” I mentally smack myself. Stop interrupting and stop caring, just listen.


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