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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 506

“Yes, I did tell Oliver and my brother and your dad, some of the details. Some I'll take to my grave.” I let that just sit there. He’s right, they don’t deserve any answers from me. “I’m tired, I need to sleep and hopefully Jena doesn’t need me in the middle of the night. Big changes like this set off her nightmares.”

“Let Mateo handle it, that’s his responsibility now.”

“Oh, so you would have me turn my back on people I care about, just because someone else is capable of doing the job too? Great leadership skills.” I don’t even care that I am being a b*tch, they deserve so much more.

I walk past them into the hallway where Wyatt is leaning against the wall. “You good boss?”

“Yeah. Who’s on after you? You’ve been up far longer than necessary.”

“It was supposed to be Jena, but for obvious reasons, we covered her shift. I’m good Midge, Nathaniel will adjust the rounds for the next couple days. Go get some sleep, we need you on point for this magic sh*t. You now have both your witches here and once Gentry’s all healed up, assuming Nikolas will let her, the three of you can figure out this pentagram bullsh*t so we can take on Mike. That asshole has a beating coming his way.”

“Get in line warrior. There are several of us who have dibs on that beatdown.” Dakota says from far too close behind me.

“With all due respect, Alpha, handled your Barbie b*tch problem yet? No? Good to know. Just so we’re clear, Midge’s whole team is aware of the things she went through before arriving at Warrior camp. And obviously the bullsh*t that is still going on, because that skank is still here f*cking with her. Neither of you were there when we found Midge and Jena after THEY SAVED THEMSELVES. If anyone has dibs on Mike’s beatdown it’s them. Handle your pack first.” He shoved past the twins.

I’m surprised they let him. I just walked forward, Wyatt could handle himself and he started that fight. Clearly lines are being drawn again, and it shouldn’t make me happy, but it does.

“MATEO! PUT ME DOWN!!” Jena screams. I get to the end of the hallway, just in time to see my brother start up the stairs with Jena over his shoulder. “Skylar! Help me with this. Your brother is being an asshole!”

“Skylar, if you come anywhere near her, I will forcefully mark her right here. You are coming with me woman, stop fighting.”

“WHAT!! Get your f*cking hands off me.” She thrashes more.

“You are going to get us both killed if you don’t stop moving.” My brother is so calm.

“Sky!?” She looks down at me, propping herself with her hands on his butt.

“No, I don’t think I’m going to help you out of this one. You are safe and need to hear him out at least.”

“Some friend you are. Lil!!”

“She is not going to help you either. None of them are.”

We all make it to the second floor landing. I turn to go to the room I share with just Lil now. Mateo grabs me with his free hand.

“Thank you.” He whispers and then kisses me on the forehead.

“I am not going to side with you in any arguments, jackass.” She grumbles at me.


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